Manual 2 – Feedback-Informed Clinical Work: The Basics

$12.95 $24.95

Manual 2 details key knowledge and skills regarding the use of routine outcome measurement in clinical practice, including:

  1. What to measure
  2. Creating a “culture of feedback” in service delivery
  3. Using feedback to inform and improve care

Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:

  • Describe the specific components of routine outcome measurement
  • Use of outcome and alliance measurement instruments in routine clinical care
  • Identify important factors in creating a culture for measuring client outcomes and using feedback processes
  • Describe strategies for using feedback to inform and improve care on a routine and ongoing basis

Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user.

If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email for a quote and significant discount.

Continuing Education Credits Available  You can now receive 2 credits of continuing education from for reading this manual:

  • Purchase and read the manual;
  • Click here to take the quiz and receive your CE's.  

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